Homework Assistance - Aeres Emmeloord - Online Huiswerkklas

Homework Assistance – Aeres Emmeloord

Assistance & tutoring school year 2022-2023

Het Aeres VMBO Emmeloord wants to once again offer a number of students the opportunity to receive extra help with homework, to make up for any learning delays, and to better prepare for tests.

To achieve this goal, Het Aeres VMBO Emmeloord has once again entered into a partnership with the organization OnlineHuiswerkklas.nl. Students who register have the option of following four hours of homework assistance per week next school year. In addition, participants attend to an individual planning meeting (15 minutes) every week.

This page is intended for new registrations. If you are already participating in the program, you do not need to register again. We will then automatically assume your participation.

The new Project starts in the week of Monday 12 September. You can register up to and including Sunday 4 September, using the form at the bottom of this page.

Every Thursday afternoon: planning meeting (15 minutes)

The weekly planning meeting with your personal study coach (individual) takes place every Thursday afternoon at a fixed time. This is an online conversation (via video). After the homework has been looked at, together a plan is made for the coming week.

I can’t participate on Thursday afternoons. Can I still take part in the project?

We advise all participants to follow the weekly planning meeting. However, if it really doesn’t work out, it is also possible to only participate in the homework assistance hours, without following the weekly planning meeting.

Sunday to Thursday: homework assistance

The homework assistance hours are interactive and take place in small groups of a maximum of six students. The supervisor supervises, regularly checks progress and is immediately available for questions. Participants plan the hours they participate themselves. For example, in a certain week you can choose to spread the hours over four days, and change this schedule for the following week.

How can I sign up?

You can register until Sunday 4 September using the form below. You will be invited for your first introductory meeting no later than Wednesday 7 September. The introductory meetings will take place on Saturday 10 September. The lessons start in the week of Monday 12 September.

How can I end the tutoring?

Without notice, the collaboration will continue until the end of the new school year. Students participating in the project may decide to terminate the collaboration in the interim. After noticing us about the cancellation, the homework assistance will continue for another two weeks (excluding holidays), before it ends.

Will the homework assistance continue during the holidays?

In the first week of the Christmas holidays (week 52) and in the official May holidays (week 18) no homework assistance will take place. In the autumn break (week 42), the second week of the Christmas holidays (week 1),  during the spring break (week 9) and the first week of the May Holidays (week 17), the homework assistance will continue.

Sign Up

  • Signing up is no longer possible. If you’d like to register, please contact Matthijs van Gaalen or Maris Lottman.


Whatsapp: 06 811 67 255
Tel: 085 877 1234
E-mail: info@onlinehuiswerkklas.nl